You do not need to pre-register if you already have an account from last year.
Just login with your credentials. If you forgot the password, you can easily reset it. Just follow the link below the login button.
First-time member? To join our club please complete the form below. We require a $25 pre-registration fee that will be credited to your account if your dues are paid in full by March 1st. The pre-registration fee is not refundable.
Please fill out the form below.
Please read carefully:
- After pre-registering you will be able to use the login info and add family members to your account and upload your photographs.
- You will receive a notification that you may log into your account and complete your membership dues payment.
- To avoid delays on opening day, please take these actions in advance and contact the pool manager if you have any questions or problems.
- Error message (“email already in use“): That means if you were on a waitlist at another pool in our area, that email address is currently stored at the network level, and if an attempt to use it is made to create an account at PSC, the system will reject the email address because it’s already in the larger system. Please use a different email.
- For questions about this registration form please email us here. We will try to respond as soon as possible.
Thank you! See you soon!