Plymouth Swim Club Rules


The following rules and regulations are set forth by the Board of Directors, to ensure the safety of all members and their guests. The Board of Directors has the right to implement and/or change the rules as needed. It is the parent’s responsibility to inform their children of the rules of PSC.

Plymouth Swim Club’s Board of Directors, Management, and staff want to provide the utmost experience to its members and their guests. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the Board of Directors. We are sincerely interested in your thoughts and suggestions regarding all aspects of the club’s operations.

The Club management and lifeguards have complete authority regarding the enforcement of all rules, policies, and use of the Club facilities. The managers are empowered by the By-Laws and Board of Directors to suspend Club privileges for up to seven (7) days for violation of any rules. An appeal of a manager’s decision may be made to any member of the Board of Directors who will contact the Club’s president and arrange for a hearing.

Disciplinary Action

  1.    Lifeguards enforce the rules / Management verbal warning
  2.    Written Warning (write-up) possible to send to their e-mail address & post on MemberSplash account under notes
  1.    2nd written warning (write up) Board of directors will reach out to members regarding their behavior – and give a warning for being suspended
  2.    3 written warnings (write up) membership will be suspended for 1 to 7 days. – Must be stopped at the front gate
  3.    Refusal to give name to lifeguard/management – automatically asked to leave and brought to the board for suspension

Admission & Hours

  1.    The normal club hours are 11:00 AM to 8:30 PM, subject to the discretion of the Club’s managers and/or Board of Directors. The pools close ½ hour earlier than the grounds. In August, the Club’s hours of operation will be adjusted.
  2.    All members must check in at the front gate. You are required to make a complete stop and inform the staff of your last name, all members with you, and any guests that are with you for the day.
  3.    Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a responsible person.
  4.    Memberships are not transferable to another person. Such a transfer is considered a serious breach of Club rules. Members knowingly transferring their members will have their membership revoked, without a refund.
  5.   A person under the influence of intoxicants will be denied admission to the Club and/or removed from the Club grounds.
  6.   Guest
    1.   All guests must be checked in at the front gate with a sponsoring member.
    2.   Members are responsible for their guests and informing their guests of PSC’s rules and regulations.
    3.   No more than ten (10) guests per household will be admitted into the club. If you plan to have more than ten (10) guests on any given day, you must schedule a party with the manager’s office.
    4.   All guest passes need to be purchased in advance/before your guest arrives at the club.
    5.   If you do not have guest passes on your account before your guest arrives, management has the right to refuse your guest entry into the club.
    6.   Two (2) guest passes will be used for guests who come on Holidays and events (ie. Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day)
  1.    Parties
    1.   A party is considered when a member has more than ten (10) guests coming to the Club on a given day.
    2.   Parties must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance through the party form and must receive confirmation of the party from managementPARTY REQUEST FORM
    3.   Management has the right to deny parties at their discretion
    4.   No parties will be scheduled on days of special events and holidays.

General Rules

  1.      Valuables should not be brought to the Club. The Club is not responsible for the loss of or damage to personal property.
  2.      No Club furniture may be moved from its assigned locations unless approval is granted by management.
  3.      Beach chairs must be stored neatly in the storage racks provided for that purpose by members before leaving the Club. Stored beach chairs are for the exclusive use of their owners. Any chairs left at the end of the season will be discarded one week after the Club closes.
  4.      All vehicles should be parked in an orderly fashion. There shall be no parking out front of the building, in the roundabouts, or staff parking. Only vehicles with state-issued handicapped license plates or mirror placards are permitted to park in designated handicapped parking spaces. Any person failing to park properly will be towed at the owner’s expense.
  5.     During the summer there may be times that parking needs to be redirected to the field. Please follow staffing directions when parking assistance is needed.
  6.      Playing or loitering in the parking lots is prohibited. The use of skateboards, bicycles, rollerblades, scooters, drones, and other mechanical devices is not permitted on the Club’s grounds.
  7.      All GLASS IS PROHIBITED on PSC grounds. Breakable or metal toys are not allowed in the pools.
  8.      Eating, drinking, and gum chewing are not permitted on the pool deck or inside the pools. Eating and drinking are only permitted on the grass area, picnic area, or snack bar.
  9.      Grilling is only permitted in the picnic area.
  10.    Picnic tables are available for the use of all members and their guests.
  11.   The snack bar is for the sole use of customers of the snack bar.
  12.   Trash and other waste materials must be put into the trash containers. Recyclables should be disposed of in the proper receptacle. Throwing trash into the pools or littering on the Club grounds is strictly prohibited.
  13.   Loitering and playing are prohibited in the clubhouse and bathrooms. Children under the age of seven (7) are not permitted in the bathrooms without a responsible adult.
  14.   Smoking and Vaping of any kind is prohibited at the Club, except in designated area.
  15.   Electrical devices, including radios, phone chargers, and cookware are not to be connected to any electrical receptacle without permission from management.
  16.   No weapons or illegal substances are permitted on the Club grounds.
  17.   There is no playing in or around the creek that runs through the Club grounds. This includes on, in, or around the various storm drains leading to the creek.
  18.   Tents/umbrellas/canopies must be well-secured. Management reserves the right to ask members to take down tents/umbrellas/canopies in the event of high winds/storms or due to any other safety-related concerns.

Safety Rules

  1.     All members and guests use the pools and Club facilities at their own risk
  2.     Per PA Department of Health guidelines, members and their guests who are exhibiting signs of illness should not enter the club. By entering the Club, members and their guests are abiding by these regulations.
  3.     All injuries to a person on the Club grounds must be reported to the First Aid Station.
  4.     The lifeguards are present for your protection. Talking with the guards on duty or loitering at their stands is prohibited. All questions should be asked at the Lifeguard office or manager’s office.
  5.     Sitting and/or laying is prohibited on the pool decks. Sitting or “hanging out” on the pool steps, ladder, and/or lap lane is prohibited.
  6.     The pool deck should be kept clear of any obstructions at all times.
  7.     Bathing suits are the only garment to be worn in the pools. Cutoffs, athletic shorts, T-shirts, etc. are not permitted in the pools.
  8.     No water pistols, super soakers, noodle water sprayers, or other similar types of mechanisms are permitted on the Club grounds.
  9.     Running, wrestling, tag, ball playing, and rough play are prohibited on the pool deck.
  10.  Pushing, rough play, or throwing anyone in the pools is prohibited.
  11.   Mermaid tails are prohibited in all pools.
  12.   Children requiring diapers (not “potty trained”) are permitted in the baby pool and/or the intermediate pool only when wearing authentic swimsuits and swim diapers.
  13.   Eating and/or drinking is prohibited in the pool areas.
  14.   Baby Pool Rules
    1.   The use of the baby pool is limited to children under the age of seven (7). The lifeguard on duty has the authority to ask older children to leave the baby pool.
    2.   All children using the baby pool must be under the direct subversion of an adult.
    3.   Infants are required to wear a proper swim diaper and bathing suit while in the pool.
  15.   Intermediate Pool
    1.   Diving is prohibited in the intermediate pool.
  16.   Deep Pool
    1.   The use of the Lap Lane is permitted for lap swimming only. Lap Swimming is considered swimming four (4) continuous laps
    2.   Flotation devices such as noodles, inner tubes, arm floats, lifejackets, etc. are prohibited in the deep pool.
  17.   Diving Board Rules
    1.   Children under the age of twelve (12) years of age must pass an annual proficiency test before being allowed to use the diving boards.
    2.   Upon passing the diving board test. Children will be charged $1.00 to receive their diving band.
    3.   Diving bands should be worn at all times, while at the Club, and especially while using the diving boards.
    4.   If bands are forgotten or lost; children will need to retake the test and will be charged an additional $1.00.
    5.   If bands are broken they will be replaced for free.
    6.   One person should be on the board at one time.
    7.   No one is allowed to get onto the steps and/or diving board until the person in front of you is out of the water or beyond the rope in the shallow end of the diving pool.
    8.   All jumps and/or dives should be front-facing and at the end of the board.
    9.   There are ABSOLUTELY no flips; spinning or twisting off the diving boards.

Tennis/Pickleball Court Rules

  1.     Proper tennis attire must be worn. All players must wear footwear while on the tennis and pickleball courts.